Key service offerings include:
- Screening for environmental market opportunities Don’t know where to start? We can screen your assets and identify what opportunities could be harnessed. In acquisition phase, this can deliver considerable value.
- Pre-Feasibility and Full Feasibility Studies Environmental markets are challenging and involve long-term decisions that touch many points in your business. After screening, we step you through feasibility to understand the opportunity and obligations of a long-term project.
- Property planning Property planning is the missing piece in most carbon farming and biodiversity project discussions. We believe in maintaining agricultural assets for long-term productivity and land value, and this takes careful planning. The returns from environmental markets can be very large, but there are trade-offs and obligations. We step you through the opportunity and the trade-offs, including livestock carrying capacity implications, and possible land value implications. We don’t get a bigger payment if you develop a bigger project; our objective is to deliver the best service for your business in the long-term.
- ACCU Scheme carbon credit project development and long-term management We can deliver all the requirements to register your project. Once a project is registered, we handle all compliance including stratification plans, baseline measurement in soils and application of measure and model approaches. We advise you long-term on how to manage the project to maximise the potential. We can register projects in Soils, Vegetation, Savanna Burning and Beef Herd Management.
- We develop and accredit carbon insetting programs under the emerging standards in this space Insetting is an emerging field and a key priority for the sectors we service. We are at the forefront of verified insetting. We have developed the Australian Government’s first insetting guideline to verify tree planting, with more guidelines planned. Contact us to learn more about this exciting and evolving space.