Key service offerings include:
- Life Cycle Assessment IA benchmarks developed from published LCAs are the starting point for a large proportion of Australia’s agri-food and fibre sectors. Our reporting supports the sustainability frameworks for pigs, chicken meat, sugar, eggs, beef, lamb and wool.
- Energy and Water footprinting Energy and water are key resources for agriculture and manufacturing. We conduct energy and water assessments and specialise in supply chain assessment techniques (footprinting).
- Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) and Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) certification For products entering the European Union, the PEF system is destined to be a key consumer-facing reporting system. Being able to certify your products will be key to demonstrating performance into the future.
- Company disclosures and environmental reporting Our expertise can underpin a robust assessment of your company and supply chain impacts on nature. From this starting point, we can deliver insights to reduce impacts without damaging trade-offs between different environmental impacts.