About Us

We are an agricultural science led company that partners with motivated organisations and primary industries to find sustainable pathways for our food and fibre systems.

We cover every part of your carbon journey, from initial investigations through to audit or market disclosures.

We can deliver the best integrated outcomes for production and decarbonisation using world-leading research and methods.

We have specialist teams with deep expertise, delivering the different components of the full-cycle offer. Our agricultural system specialists can identify what components you need and, just as importantly, what you don’t need.

Full-Cycle Carbon services include:

  • Baselining, carbon accounting, product carbon footprinting
  • Net emission reduction – options analysis, pre-feasibility
  • Science-based target-setting (SBT)
  • Emission reduction plans
  • Insetting plans
  • Offsetting projects
  • Reporting
  • Certification
  • In-house reporting
  • External reporting and compliance
  • Climate Active carbon neutral certification
  • Low carbon products


Publications and News

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Footprinting
Agri-Environmental Research
IAE in the News

Our Clients

Combining science, strategy, and technology in partnership with motivated leaders, organisations, and industries to reimagine sustainability for positive impact.

Get in touch

To connect with us, fill out the contact form or download our Capability Statement for more information about our services.

Capability Statement

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