About Us

We are an agricultural science led company that partners with motivated organisations and primary industries to find sustainable pathways for our food and fibre systems.

Let us guide you through measuring and interpreting impacts and improvements.

Agri-food and fibre systems are intertwined with nature. Best practice management minimises impacts and enhances the asset base. From water quality to soil health, land condition to biodiversity, we can help you establish and report against an assessment framework to meet business, customer and investor needs.

Our world-leading research over almost two decades has established our team as experts in assessing complex agri-food and fibre systems and supply chains. Having developed the methods and benchmarks for water, energy, nutrients and land in agri-food and fibre supply chains, we’re best positioned to meet the new needs emerging for Nature Disclosures. Check our publications to understand our depth of understanding in complex and critical assessment areas, such as supply-chain water-stress footprinting.

Key service offerings include:

  • Life Cycle Assessment IA benchmarks developed from published LCAs are the starting point for a large proportion of Australia’s agri-food and fibre sectors. Our reporting supports the sustainability frameworks for pigs, chicken meat, sugar, eggs, beef, lamb and wool.
  • Energy and Water footprinting Energy and water are key resources for agriculture and manufacturing. We conduct energy and water assessments and specialise in supply chain assessment techniques (footprinting).
  • Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) and Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) certification For products entering the European Union, the PEF system is destined to be a key consumer-facing reporting system. Being able to certify your products will be key to demonstrating performance into the future.
  • Company disclosures and environmental reporting Our expertise can underpin a robust assessment of your company and supply chain impacts on nature. From this starting point, we can deliver insights to reduce impacts without damaging trade-offs between different environmental impacts.

Get in touch

To connect with us, fill out the contact form or download our Capability Statement for more information about our services.

Capability Statement

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